How to satisfy your small business clients?

Headline Insider - Small Business Clients

Finance or MoneyDo you have to deal with a number of big and small business clients? Then for sure, your services have a vast area to serve. Importance should be given to all clients irrespective of their business and annual turnover size. May be the small business clients need more attention; they already struggle due to limited staff and money. But they can be a deal of profit for your business also. Help them grow and they can help you establish new landmarks.

Think of the every possible way in which you can add value to them. Here are few ways to do BEST for the small business clients.

1. Bring your firm in notice:

Image of your firm is the tool that works even before the engagement with a client. Bring it in notice of the world with a hard to avoid presence. Establish brand identity in the eyes of the new and existing clients. From your logo, to website content, social media presence, mood of your blog, everything matters. Your small business clients search for novelty that can help their business exist and survive with industry giants. Give them that novelty.

Also, tell your clients if you are a specialised firm or can serve to different clients of varied industries. Expressing yourself clearly always get appreciation from small business clients as this help them find the possibilities for their business.

2. Make them realise that you are ‘value for money’:

How you can add value is the most important aspect, especially the cost factor. Small businesses always have to be on their toes when it comes to finances. Every penny, every coin is important and has some purpose. Stay affordable and give them reasons to believe on your cost-effectiveness. Prove with several ways to make clear that how you can help them bring the business to a new height with low cost. Go for a conversation with the client and ask about the expectations and also how you can match with them.

3. Prove the performance:

Whatever you say, bring it in action. Give performance, take feedback, and implement the feedback. This gives you a chance to demonstrate your value.

Ask a few questions to yourself to judge your own performance and work on them.

  1. How often the client raised the query during procedure?
  2. What is their prime concern?
  3. Do they want you to document procedures, project notes, instructions etc.?

4. Give results in quantity:

Measurable procedures always help give a precise idea on what is going on and what is needed to be done. From Finance or Money TO Performance, everything is measurable.

Ask your client to answer the following questions.

  • To mention the cost of the similar service they took last time from some other provider.
  • Was the service of the other provider cheaper or more expensive than yours?
  • If it was cheaper then what they did not get before. Is he/she satisfied with your service/product?
  • Are they satisfied with your performance?

Take the answer to all these questions in ratings and the outcome that comes in quantity gives a clear picture. This can help even your client compare you with the other options.

5. Implement the feedback wherever required:

The feedback of the business client also gives an opportunity to polish your own strategies. Take the feedback seriously and implement it in the project. May be it is not feasible to bring everything into practice but at least those that are practicable and necessary to implement. Small business clients cannot afford to switch to varied service providers frequently because time is money and they have many limits on that front. Why not do the required changes in your approach and save their time and money. They are sure to appreciate this and can decide to stay with you for a long time.

To know how much you have performed pay attention to the following questions?

  1. Did you help the client make a sound business decision?
  2. Do they seem to consider your company for the future projects?
  3. What particular feature they liked in your service?
  4. Was there anything in the client expectations that left unattended?

On every step, it is necessary to judge the harmony between what you provide and what the client wants. Future is the reflection of present, make it promising and it is sure to show the Good Impact.



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